How Technology Dims Our Emotional Skills

Technology has transformed modern society in many positive ways – connecting us with information and each other, automating mundane tasks, and giving us powerful tools for work and entertainment. However, there is a growing body of research indicating that our increasing reliance on technology is negatively impacting emotional intelligence (EI) – our ability to understand, express and manage emotions effectively. This article explores the ways technology may be dulling our emotional skills, and provides tips for counteracting these effects by using technology more mindfully.

What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does it Matter?

Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize, understand and regulate emotions in ourselves and others. It includes abilities like being self-aware, managing overwhelming emotions, understanding different perspectives, building empathy, and resolving interpersonal conflicts. EI is considered essential for personal well-being and success in relationships and the workplace. It enables us to connect on deeper levels, work cooperatively despite differences, and adapt to stressful situations.

In many ways, EI is even more important than IQ for determining life outcomes related to relationships, mental health, career advancement and leadership capabilities. Higher EI is linked to better psychological adjustment, healthier social relationships, academic and professional achievement, and even cardiovascular health. In contrast, low EI is associated with problems like depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, bullying, domestic violence and social isolation.

Given the benefits of EI, we should be concerned about anything that threatens to diminish these vital emotional skills. Unfortunately, many studies now indicate overuse of screen-based technologies may be doing just that.

Technology Overload Can Lead to Emotional Disconnection

There are several ways our overexposure to screens and digital stimulation negatively influences emotional abilities:

Distraction from Emotional Cues

When we are constantly distracted by pings of notifications and digital stimuli, we tune out the more subtle social and emotional signals happening around us. We miss facial expressions, body language and contextual cues that are vital to effectively relate on an interpersonal level. Our distraction leads us to emotionally “check out”, even when physically present with others.

Decreased Empathy

Because technology mediates so much of our communication, we have less practice picking up on emotional nuances during face-to-face interactions. Sending texts, emails and emojis often focus conversations on simpler, more practical messages. One study found that even just having a mobile device present during a conversation can reduce empathy and connection between two people. Relying on digital communication diminishes our capacity for deeper emotional perception and understanding.

Fewer Real-World Interactions

Excessive screen time means less time spent interacting with others in person and real-world practice of emotional skills. This is especially true for children today who play video games or watch YouTube instead of more emotionally developmental activities like imaginative play, sports, or face-to-face socializing. Lack of “unplugged” peer interactions can stunt kids’ emotional growth.

Curated Self-Presentation

Social platforms often show carefully curated snapshots rather than authentic portrayals of peoples’ everyday emotional lives. This makes it harder for us to appreciate normal emotional ranges people experience, leading to less self-acceptance and empathy for typical struggles others face. Comparing our lived experiences to unrealistic online highlight reels promotes feelings of inadequacy and depression.

Overwhelming Information Overload

Never-ending news feeds full of suggestive headlines, conflicting opinions, uncivil discourse and overall information overload taxes our brains, making it harder to regulate emotional knee-jerk reactions. Constant connectivity leaves little time for emotionally recharging through stillness, reflection, or appreciation of beauty. This can diminish resilience, attention span and emotional balance.

Outsourcing Memory & Critical Thinking

Relying on digital devices for information, reminders, maps and calculations means we practice these analytical skills less and less. Lazy digital habits allow emotional reasoning and reactivity tooverride more effortful critical thinking or fact-checking. If information lives “in the cloud” we invest less time making sense of experiences and building reliable memories – key aspects of emotional maturity.

Restoring Healthy Emotional Functioning in a Tech World

The solution is not to reject technology altogether, but rather use it more deliberately. Here are some tips for keeping your emotional skills intact even when digitally immersed:

Set Healthy Boundaries Around Device Use

Be honest about time wasted mindlessly scrolling versus intentional activities. Set reasonable limits on recreational screen time and stick to them. Charge devices outside bedrooms overnight to avoid digital distractions interfering with sleep. Make a point of scheduling weekly “off-grid” blocks of several hours or a full day for a tech reset.

Engage in More Face-to-Face Interactions

When possible, choose in-person interactions over digital communication to exercise emotional perception skills. Video chatting is second best for maintaining visual connection important for interpreting emotional cues and body language. Make engagement with real world activities and people a priority over online escapism.

Cultivate Your Own Emotional Awareness

Notice how different online content and behaviors impact your mood – make changes accordingly. Keep a daily emotion journal to increase self-awareness and support emotional processing skills. Reflect on patterns of emotional reactivity you may fall into online. Strengthen self-regulation abilities through mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga or spending time in nature.

Practice Empathy & Critical Thinking

Before reacting to someone else’s views online, pause to consider context and emotional state expressed. Ask clarifying questions rather than make assumptions. Fact check information before spreading. Leverage online diversity as an opportunity to understand different life experiences and perspectives, even if disagreeing. Approach discourse with emotional intelligence.

Model Emotionally Intelligent Digital Use for Kids

Children pick up digital habits from adults’ example. So demonstrate healthy device limits, take interest in their online activities, discuss online safety and ethics, co-view educational shows and play some technology-free games together. Help kids balance virtual world immersion with real world emotional intelligence development.

Technology doesn’t have to spell the demise of emotional relatedness. By using devices and platforms more intentionally, we can maximize benefits while reducing risks to our mental health, relationships and humanity. Maintaining perspective and emotional clarity in a digital age rests largely on the wisdom of our choices.


Q1. How does technology influence our emotional abilities?

Technology can impair emotional skills by reducing face-to-face interactions, which affects empathy and the interpretation of social cues. A reliance on digital communication may stifle emotional development.

Q2. Can excessive use of technology impair our ability to understand emotions?

Yes, prolonged use of technology can impair one’s ability to accurately recognize and interpret emotions, affecting emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships.

Q3. What are the implications of technology for empathy?

Because technology frequently replaces face-to-face interactions, it can hinder the development of emotional connections and reduce understanding of others’ feelings.

Q4. What effect does technology have on social interaction skills?

Excessive use of technology can impair social interaction skills by limiting real-time communication, making it difficult to read nonverbal cues and understand social nuances.

Q5. Can technology addiction cause emotional disconnection?

Yes, technology addiction can contribute to emotional disconnect by prioritizing screen time over meaningful human interactions, which can lead to isolation and a lack of emotional connection with others.


While technology has revolutionized society in many positive ways, our increasing dependence on screens and digital communication threatens vital emotional intelligence skills. Abilities like reading emotional cues, empathy, self-awareness, and critical thinking atrophy from lack of regular practice and overload of biased or irrational online information.

Restoring emotional balance requires self-discipline to set boundaries around technology, as well as concerted effort interacting more with real people face-to-face. By using devices intentionally, maximizing interpersonal time online and off, and cultivating inner awareness, we can retain emotional clarity even in an age of digital distraction. The choice lies in our hands whether technology diminishes or enhances our humanity.

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